Bormioli Pharma Invents

Bormioli Pharma Invents is our open, collaborative innovation program, which allows us to gather the requests, ideas, and needs of customers, patients, and health professionals to imagine together the possible evolutions of pharmaceutical packaging. After a phase of listening and dialogue, we identify partners with whom to develop prototypes for the solutions of the future, and work out the market scenarios necessary to make them feasible and turn them into products.

Our innovation process


We gather insights from the entire eco-system in which we operate, relying on ethnographic research to listen to people and identify what their real needs are. We are inspired by the analysis of technology trends and market scenarios to interpret them and turn them into value propositions for the pharmaceutical industry.


From the global view of the competitive scenario and by processing the needs of customers, partners and users we identify possible opportunities for innovation and initiate a creative process open to research centers, universities, start-ups and innovation hubs.


Through a lean startup approach that we have called "fast to product" and the consolidation of an Open Innovation ecosystem necessary for project realization, we turn ideas into prototypes, to test the validity of the identified solutions and start up a dialogue with the market.

Business model

By analyzing target markets, we develop sustainable business models that enable prototypes to be turned into products, and then get them into people's hands.

“Innovation means making healthcare a more positive experience and developing a more positive relationship with the planet.”

Two complementary areas of research coexist within Invents: HealthPositive, geared toward perfecting products to better and better protect people's health; EcoPositive, aimed at experimenting with materials and processes to protect the environment and minimize resource waste.


We want to make our products increasingly safe and easy to use, meeting the evolving needs of every category of user: from patients, to people with disabilities, to professionals.


An add-on system that attaches to parenteral bottles with different neck finishes and standardizes drug preparation by reducing possible product waste and the time required to complete operations.


An integrated system for extracting liquid from injectable drug vials, reducing the use of needles and improving the effectiveness of the procedure.


An integrated parenteral drug reconstitution system designed to shorten preparation time and provide greater safety for practitioners.


An integrated dosing system for oral liquid medicines that can be used with one hand and is designed to allow the medication to be taken directly from the bottle.


A barrier-free solution to make self-administration of liquid oral medications possible even for people with disabilities.


A device that, through special design measures, makes oral liquid medicines accessible to even the frailest of patients.


A safe, simple solution for administering eye drops, consisting of a squeezable plastic bottle, a protective cap and a pharmaceutical silicone dropper.


We want to transform our products into smart systems that can connect to technology devices, provide information to patients, and help improve treatment adherence.


A smart add-on seal that returns visual cues on the correct use of the product and, when connected to an app, becomes an information device.


An IoT-enabled device that dispenses pills in a controlled manner. Through a connected app, it sends notifications to the patient's smartphone to facilitate the organisation and monitoring of drug dosing.


An IoT nebuliser for ophthalmic medicines that revolutionises the traditional way of administering eye drops.


An advanced alternative to traditional locking systems child-resistant, which enhances the security of administrating medicines by creating an unambiguous match between the identity of the patient and their therapy.


We want to make our products trackable devices, and put them at the center of more extensive integrated track-and-trace systems.


A holographic mark printed directly with the product, which allows for different levels of control to prevent counterfeit medicines.


A complex unique code lasered into the volume of our bottles, making the primary packaging traceable throughout the supply chain.


We want to make our products more and more sustainable by finding innovative materials, alternative designs and new production processes with a lower environmental impact. Scroll down to learn more about our latest projects in the field of sustainable innovation. If you would like to discover the EcoPositive solutions already available, please see our catalogue.

Advanced Recycling

An innovative technology that, starting with the decomposition of plastic polymers, allows all types of PET waste to be converted into new raw material, resulting in products whose performance is fully comparable to the original ones.

Barrier materials

Advanced plastics, certified for pharmaceutical use, improve the barrier properties of our bottles and reduce their weight and as a result, their impact on the environment.

Do you want to innovate with us?

Our Open Innovation ecosystem is constantly evolving. We are always looking for new ideas and partners with whom to develop upcoming projects.

Innovation in figures

Some of the results of our research and experimental programs, in figures


startups monitored


ideas in the portfolio


calls for ideas launched


employees involved


patent applications

An open approach to innovation

In collaboration with the open innovation and crowdsourcing platform., Bormioli Pharma is promoting calls for ideas aimed at developing concepts and prototypes for new solutions in some specific areas of pharmaceutical packaging, identified through a participatory idea generation process.

Cap Recognition System

Due date

02 August 2023


Augmented Reality Experience

Due date

19 July 2023


Ophthalmic Dosing Design

Due date

21 July 2022


Ophthalmic Delivery Design

Due date

21 July 2022


Re-shape Infusional

Due date

19 July 2022


Dispenser Design

Due date

07 September 2021
